Compliant / Non-Compliant Forms

The following disclaimers apply to the below files to be used as reference for Agents, Brokers, and Subcontractors when endorsing policies

  • These forms were reviewed for compliance with regards to the insurance requirements.
  • Some of these form numbers are manuscript; therefore, they may or may not be compliant.  Skanska will review all endorsements during the review process regardless of the status of the forms listed in these files
  • A form may be compliant today but may not be compliant tomorrow.  Our decisions are based on case law and claim history in the construction industry
  • If requested, Skanska will provide a mark-up of these endorsements showing why they have been deemed non-compliant


Click here to access Shared Document Files (A new tab will open where you can access Excel Spreadsheets for a listing of compliant/non-compliant Additional Insured endorsements, Primary/Non-Contributory endorsements, and Miscellaneous Non-Compliant Endorsements)